
CALL Literary Reaction Journal 7

Reaction to The Most Beautiful Things

I, Summary

The short movie I chose to summarize and react is The Most Beautiful Things made in 2012. The story is written about change of a man's life.

私が要約し反応する短い映画は、2012年につくられた”The Most Beautiful Things”です。

I, Reaction

1. Plot

The main character in this story is a man who goes to a university and he spend boring every day. However, one day, he meet a women who can't speak at a university. From the day, his life changed. They talked by a letter with a notebook and pencil instead of talking by using a voice. They spend it together every day so they make friends. One day, he had saw she was with a man he didn't know. Because of that he kept distance with her. However, he knew it nisundersting so he dicided to confes to her. Finally, his confession succeeded. The story is happy end.

この物語の主人公は大学に通う一人の男性で、彼は退屈な毎日を過ごしていました。しかし、ある日大学で、言葉を話すことのできない一人の女性と出会います。その日から彼の人生は変わりました。彼らは声を使って会話する代わりに、ノートとペンを使って文字で会話をしました。彼らは毎日一緒に過ごすうちに仲良くなりました。ある日、彼は彼女が知らない男と一緒にいるところを見てしまった。そのせいで彼は彼女と距離を置く。しかしながら、のちにそれは彼の勘違いであったとわかったので、彼は彼女に告白することを決心する。 最後に、彼の告白は成功した。 この物語はハッピーエンドである。

2. Character

A man: He goes to a college, but he spend boring days at first. He is a maincharacter of this story, and he is nagative.

A woman: She has a disease so she can not speak. Her character is cheerful.

3. Theme

I think the theme of this story is how can you change the life through love.

4. General Opinion

I thought this story gave us courage, becauseafter I saw this story, I knew that if you intended to change your boring life, you could change it by myself. I felt it was important to challenge everything.



CALL Literary Reaction Journal 6

Reaction to The Elevator

I. Summary
The short movie I chose to summarize and react is The Elevator made in 2010.
The story is written about the situation of the people is taking the elevator.

II. Reaction

1. Theme
The movie shows it what kind of thing harms another person by using the situation in the elevator as a example. I consider the above sentence and I think the theme of this movie is the importance of paying attention to another person.

2. Plot
At first, a man is taking the elevator alone. When he is taking the elevator alone he feels comfortable inside of the elevator, because inside of it is large. However, the people increase more and more as the elevator goes up on the top. Unfortunately, all the people getting on the elevator are very fat so he dicides that he minds quanitity of capacity and goes down.  

3. Character
A man: He is middle age. His body is slim.
Another person: Their body is too fat.

4. General Opinion
I saw the movie, I thought it was not good to trouble other person, because to trouble made them uncomfortable. I intend to be careful not to trouble another person.